I was sooooo excited.
The kids were STOKED to get ANYTHING in the mail!!!
It was THIS:
Typing Instructor for Kids by Timberdoodle
Typing Instructor for Kids by Timberdoodle
So ...we loaded it onto the computer ASAP!!!!!
It was really easy and took about 5-7 minutes to load and before we knew it we were READY!!!!
The instructions were east and self explanatory.
( I had the 2 oldest watch the intro and instructions together!)It begins by explaining the finger positions, home row, space bar…etc.
They LOVED it.
It is sooo much like a GAME that you hardly KNOW you are learning!!
The premise is this:
You are on TYPER ISLAND.
You start in the OLD WEST but can only move on by TYPING CORRECTLY.
(Think - “OLD SCHOOL typing book set up next to you in 5th grade…fff jjj dfd jkj…REMEMBER????)
EXCEPT it is sooo much BETTER than “Old School”!!!!
Its on the screen and when you mess up it records it FOR YOU in red….
You have to get a certain WPM(words per minute) score
You have to get a certain ACCURACY in order to move on to OTHER PARTS of the island.
As you get better you can change the WPM Goal.
There are also GAMES to play.
(Which ALL reinforce the typing skills…SHHHHHH!!!!)
The kids actually ARGUED over who's turn it was to play!!!
SECRET SCHOOL….Who doesn’t LOVE that?????
In my opinion...TYPING INSTRUCTOR is GREAT!!!!!
And for the BURNING QUESTION....
How much is it????
Get ready OR THIS!!!!!!
$8.00-$16.00, depending on which version you get. Two are actually on sale.
That's right......UNDER $20 for a typing curriculum that the kids LOVE, that seems like a GAME, AND that is for AGES 6 and UP.
I would have BOUGHT this for my TYPING CURRICULUM ...EVEN if I didn't get it from TIMBERDOODLE.
What a great "Secret School" present!!!!!
Thank You to Timberdoodle for providing this product free of charge for this review. This is a Mama Buzz Review.