Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Last Night was our ANNUAL walk across the bridge to feed the homeless downtown.

What a blessing it is to have 18 people COME TOGETHER and do something that REALLY HELPS an IMMEDIATE NEED.

There are sooo many homeless right outside our backdoor…

So many that are cold and hungry.

The kids LOVE doing this.

They LOOK FORWARD to doing this.

There were several moments last night that really put things in perspective for me.

One was when we were being silly and Jay was “Posing” as a wise man around a wooden baby Jesus.

(Dont ask!!!LOL)

At the end of “playing around”..Jay spoke about how we may joke about things like that(the wooden baby Jesus)



is is a serious thing.

He continued by saying that Jesus died for our sins and we should all take a moment to think about that.

While my husband was standing there I was filled with a sense of TOGETHERNESS.

At this time of year we are a little bit ISOLATED.


We have ISOLATED ourselves.

We don’t celebrate Christmas.

(not because we don’t believe in Christ-we just don’t believe he was born on that day, along with the COMMERCIALIZATION of it all..which we don’t believe in)

and we don’t participate in  ALOT of the things that go along with Christmas.


Because the kids are so young…

we cant GUARANTEE that they wont spill ther beans about Santa to the other kids around.

So we GENERALLY don’t do Christmas family dinners, etc.

But our Annual Walk across the bridge has become something that fosters a feeling of TOGETHERNESS for me at this time of year.

A time when we can focus on WHAT WE ALL WANT TO DO…



we want to HELP.

1 foot in front of the other…

We all want to HELP.

No matter HOW DIFFERENT our:







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Anonymous said...

Feeding the hungry. A great thing to teach your children.
Love you all so much. Miss you.

turtle said...

om shanti om
for the gift of god to give
and to see this grow every year as do the lil ones, teaching the goodness of
our true path and purpose
"seva" ---- service, opening the heart and giving , and of course so much more rewarding then one dollar
Just amazing give thanks for the warmth from such just melts the ice
on the driveway here
of course many snowpeople are forming and having snow fun

Shainee said...

I am totally teared up reading the blog. We are so blessed. Especially to be friends. Love you girl.

Anonymous said...

beautiful! what a wonderful tradition you have. to do for others, there is nothing greater. bless up that J reminded/taught about the greatest gift of all (dying for us all) thank you for sharing.
