Monday, September 17, 2007

The Craziest Person I Know...

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My husband is the craziest, coolest person I know!!!
As I looked at him yesterday, on top of a three story roof, It made me love him even more.
He is so cool up there... brave as can be nailing this or if he WASN'T on top of a three story building with a rope tied to his waist.
All the while Josh waits with the other end of the rope, just over the pitch of the roof.
AMAZING!! I love him and learn from him everyday.
Give Thanks that God showed me the light and my life is so glorious.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you found an amazing man, that suits you PERFECTLY!!! Miss and love you!
Mari Girl

Katie said...

that is way up there. Looks pretty scary from down here. LOL There is no feeling like watching your husband be a good man and being a good woman for him. We ( as good wives) and the Lord are the motivation for for them. Hope to talk to you soon.