Friday, November 23, 2007

The price of a moment of silence.....

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This is what happens when Sheba finds 5 minutes of "FREE" time!!!
I was doing some schoolwork with the other kids and suddenly realized that I didnt hear Sheba....
So I stopped and RAN to find her!!!
She was quietly sitting in the bathroom.....
LIKE THIS!!!!!!!
Then,(without even thinking about what would happen in tne next 2 MINUTES) I went to get my camera!!!
She was sooooo proud to be able to show off her "work"....What a MESSY little angel!!!!
Go Sheba-Weba!!!!!


Katie said...

Such a sweet girl. She even looked for something pink to add to her already adorable pink poke-a-dot outfit.

Anonymous said...

Remind me to tell you some of the things I ran to find your Daddy doing when he was that size. Not for publication.
Precious little ones.