Monday, December 7, 2009

I Love Kido’!!!!!!!!!!

I dont know IF you know…..


There is a whole “virtual world” out there.

Not the “Make your own character and room” type of VIRTUAL WORLD.


A world on the internet that is full of people that become “Friends”.

The share ideas, problems, solutions, crafts, homeschool stories, etc…..

I have found this to be a GREAT support system!

Even if you NEVER meet these people outside the “Blogosphere”…it’s comforting to know that there are others “Out there” like yourself.

Like  a “SELF-Help bookshelf” at your fingertips!



The other day while SURFING the BLOGOSPERE….

I hit GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!

I came across something called KIDO’Z .

“The KIDO'Z Kid's Web Environment is the safe, easy and fun way for young kids to surf their favorite sites, watch videos, play games, send emails, create and communicate without knowing how to read and write!”

It is a FREE web browser that you get to just like the internet…FOR KIDS.

Totally safe….NO POP-UPS!

It has web pages, videos, games, ….all PRE-approved and safe for kids.

It is awesome not having to watch their every move they make on the computer.

They can literally click on ANYTHING in the KIDO’Z world…

and NEVER come across ANYTHING that is not KID-FRIENDLY!

LOVE IT!!!!!!!

And did I mention that it is FREE!!!!!!!!!!



Download the browser…HERE.

Then let the kids PLAY on the computer for 30 min while you take a shower….WORRY FREE!!!!


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