Thursday, September 2, 2010



19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Cor 6:19-20


Why is it that sometimes as women we forget the best parts of ourselves???

Why do we look  at others and YEARN to be “just like” our “pretty
friend, or want a body JUST LIKE our “thin friend”?????

When I was young I used ANY MEAN possible to be THAT GIRL.

The girl that everyone wanted to be “just like”.

And when I say ANY MEANS …I mean ANY MEANS..

be it starvation,



or CRAZY workouts.

And I did all this with NO THOUGHTS about if it was good for me, healthy, or even POSSIBLE for ME to be THAT GIRL.

I just WANTED IT…No matter the cost.



I didn’t care if I was healthy or not…I just wanted to LOOK GOOD on the outside with no thought as to what my inside looked like.

All that mattered was the SUPERFICIAL.

Of course…I didn’t realize it at the time because the ONLY thing in my gaze was the OUTSIDE.

And all the while I was GROSS on the inside. I was SEARCHING for something that doesn't come from the outside.

I was searching for something that comes from  WITHIN.

Something that was there all the time ….but needed to be NURTURED.

As I have grown older and “wiser” I have learned that my body is something that GOD gave me.

And over the years I have learned that NOTHING HUGE happens on the outside if there is not MAJOR CHANGES going on on the inside.

God calls us to live PURPOSEFULLY, and be good stewards to what he has GIVEN us.

In the last few months I have come to realize that my I have been LAZY…with the outside and the inside.

I think that HE was speaking and I wasn’t listening.

I believe that what he was TRYING to say to me is that i have TOO MANY things to do in my life, too many FUN, JOYOUS activities to participate in to NOT TAKE CARE OF one of the BODY that I have.

The precious TOOL given to me.


4 days ago I made a COMMITMENT.

A P90X commitment!

P90X is an EXTREME workout designed to “Change your Body” in 90 days.

Its not easy, and Its not FUN.

But I have made the commitment to myself, my family, and GOD that I will do this.

Not to become “HOTT”, or to fit into all the clothes hanging in my closet.

Although…THAT IS a nice BONUS and I would be lying to say that wouldn’t be GREAT!

But my MAIN REASON is to FEEL BETTER….from the inside out.


1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Great way to look at life. I take it for granted that my body is a gift and should treat it a lot better than I do. Thanks for some inspiration.