Monday, April 5, 2010


We started back to school today.

We EASED into it.

This month is our “Earth Month” in school.

We will study ALL things EARTH related.


The continents.

The three R’s.


Solomon and Sheba.(Makeda took a drink of PRECIOUS water in the Solomonic Kingdom.)

Earth Day.

So FUN!!!!!

Today we started school by watch a Magic School Bus episode..”Wet All Over”.

Then we went outside and collected pine cones and made bird feeders out of them.

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Then we went over how PRECIOUS water is and talked about CONSERVATION.

We read OCEAN RELATED books,


Since we started out “WATER” unit- I decided it was TOTALLY appropriate to take an IMPROMPTU “field trip” to the beach!!!

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Were Springin’ Back in!!!!!!!!

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